Monday, July 21, 2008

AUTISM: Incurable No More?

credits to
WHILE MANY DOCTORS and professionals claimed autism to be an incurable disorder, virgin coconut oil, combined with a strict diet, cures a ten-year-old boy from Cebu, Philippines diagnosed with the brain disorder.

Roni Romeo Ocubillo, an Orthopaedic Trauma Research Program (OTRP) and the founder of the Pediatric Rehabilitation through Integrated intensive interactive programs for Multiple Intelligence and Emotional quotient (Prime) Center Foundation located in Mandaue City, recommended the Functional Area Statutory Treatment (FAST) protocol which is a complimentary treatment combination of brain stimulation and dietary intervention that consists of virgin coconut oil as an anti-fungal medication and a strict gluten and casein-free diet among others .

This should not give an impression to other mothers with autistic children that virgin coconut oil is the only factor that contributed to the cure of autism, Rose Marie Rosales, a mother of an autistic chlid said, adding that a consistent strict diet should go with it.

Internal treatment is the primary focus to achieve improvement in behaviour, Ocubillo told the writer in a phone interview.

He said foods found to be rich in gluten and casein should be avoided since these two serve as toxins to the brain causing autism.

Such foods include ice cream, chocolates and other sweets, among others.

Occubillo said this is supported by the study that certain foods seem to be affecting the developing brains of some children causing the autistic behaviours.

“This is not because of allergens but because many of these children are unable to properly break down certain proteins,” Ocubillo said.

In a separate interview, Paulo Mamangun Jr., Viviendo Philippines Chairman and chief executive officer told the writer that autism is not a disease but a brain dysfunction or disability and possibly a “leaky-gut syndrome” caused by gluten intolerance.

This is triggered by the candida, which is a type of fungi and other yeasts that could flourish in the gut and lead to a host of problem.

Ocubillo said many parents of children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism report that treatment for candida does improve their children’s behaviour and concentration.

Current studies strongly recommended coconut oil because it is rich in lauric acid, which has potent anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties found to be “effective in fighting yeast, fungi, and other viruses such as measles, herpes simplex, influenza and cytomegalovirus,” Coconut Haven, Philippines reported online.

Homer P. Rosales was diagnosed with autism when he was barely four years old. He now studies with the mainstrean at Asian Learning Center, a private school in Lapu-Lapu City after he endured his battle with the help of the Fast protocol.

He proudly told the writer that he is no longer autistic.

His mother showed the writer Homer’s “Summary of Developmental Pediatric Assessment” evaluated last March 13, 2002 by Jacqueline Jabonero-Espina, MD, DPPS, FPSDBP.

In the report, Espina said Homer has an “Autistic Spectrum Disorder,” with an impression of “functional one word sentence (and) jargons most of the time, rote phrases picked up from commercials (and) solitary play, approaches other kids to grab toys, and leads when needs something, ritualistic activities, (and) play is also ritualistic-lining up of objects.”

“Many said this is an outbreak, but there are already many recent cases similar to this,” Ocubillo said.

“Autism is no longer incurable” because after the boy’s breakthrough, more autistic children have been cured already, Mamangun added. 

Sunday, July 20, 2008

JAM FITNESS GYM (Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu)

To address to the needs of health and weight conscious individuals, Jam Fitness Gym offers Boxing, physical resistance training (PRT), Yaw-Yan or the famous “Sayaw ng Kamatayan” martial arts, aerobics and taebo with dances like hip-hop, latin and basic belly dancing, and the Tetada Kalimasada to provide variety of options for the clients.

Jam officially opened its establishment in December last year to cater to a wide variety of market in a strategic location. “It all started out as a hobby of boxing my husband and youngest son enjoyed during the summer of last year,” Maita Espinosa Co of Jam Fitness said, which inspired the proprietors to open the gym.

JAM owes its name to the proprietors’ children namely, Jefferson, Alfie and Mai-mai (Herzel).

Boxing is one of the programs that’s gaining popularity among the locals. Hence, it is considered as one of Jam’s highlights that lures clients because of the training style and its effectiveness in losing weight in less than a month.

“Boxing fitness is the training that guarantees weight loss. The circuit training and drills are structures to enhance” one’s “stamina and boost regimen for a good lifestyle,” the management said in a press statement.

Furthermore, it benefits the boxer because it builds up strength and endurance, burns fats and calories fast, conditions the body, and improve self-confidence, among others.

Though, the gym has only one boxing trainer, yet he is considered as one of Jam’s assets. Rey Cosep, a retired international multi-awarded boxer in the 80’s, “is very committed to teach the students, spending quality time training each of them,” Eddie Chua Co, Jam General Manager said.

Another edge of the gym is its Tetada Kalimasada, an inner energy cultivation and therapy, originated in Indonesia. Jam is the first in Lapu-Lapu and the third in Cebu that offers this unique program.

Clients will be able to benefit a lot from the program because it empowers them to be able to develop inner energy for a holistic well being, helps heal oneself and others, helps one to gain inner balance through concentration and controls one’s mind and emotions, among others.

“The exercises done during the practice stimulate the main nervous system and the seven major points of the body known as the charkas,” the program said.

With a fast growth in the number of clients, Jam management plans of expanding the venue in the future to be able to accommodate this demand.

For further information, one may contact Eddie or Maita Co at 09192329988 or 3409455 or visit their place at the Maximo V. Patalinghug ave. in Pajo Lapu-Lapu City. (Published at the Freeman Newspaper)

In Getting There:

At the traffic light section before the old bridge, from Manuel L. Quezon Highway, Pusok, take the road to MEPZ 2 and stop at the first intersection of the island, and turn left. Jam Fitness Gym is located at the back of Santiago Arcade.
