DIY: An Ideal Gift Item for the Selfie Aficionados

A sample of a DIY photo collage for a birthday present
ONE CONCRETE INDICATION that Filipinos would admire and love personalized gift items is the several selfie shots posted on their Facebook walls for the umpteenth times. This is something that has gone viral over the internet in parallel with the increasing popularization of social networking sites. While this is such contemporary phenomena that I have yet to rationalize why similar poses bearing variations of facial expressions are uploaded more than twenty times on the same album in one site, we can draw inspiration from this obsession to help us think of creative and practical personalized gift items.

Suffice it to say, anyone who finds simple joy in their subtle narcissistic behavior by admiring their faces over and over again would surely fancy ripping open a gift box that contains a picture of their face multiplied to a hundredth times. What I mean to say is a framed photo collage for the selfie aficionado!

A framed photo collage for a holiday or birthday present may take a bit of your patience, effort and time combined to create, yet not impossible to make. With the numerous free photo-editing software and applications you can find over the net, you can compile two to a hundred photos in a single poster-size page in just a few minutes. Moreover, it is fun and interesting to explore your creativity as you compile assorted photos of various shots – through Adobe Photoshop, Instagram, Picasa and Line Photos, to name a few – in one collage poster, according to the colors and designs you fancy. A simple greeting in text messages that goes with these photos would make it even more meaningful for the recipient.

And with several Chinese one-stop shops in towns all over the country, you can grab a 50 to a hundred-peso worth of an acceptable quality glass poster-sized frame to house and protect the photo collage you have personally printed. Voila! A selfie-loving person would surely giggle with excitement to see what you have prepared for her.

While you may just be magnifying their self-obsessions, even encouraging their narcissism, it is also satisfying and self-fulfilling to know that something you have spent your time, energy, creativity and efforts on would surely be treasured and cherished. 

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